Source code for textory.wrappers

#! /usr/bin/python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Textory satpy Scene and xarray Dataset wrappers

Calculate textures for Scene

With the :func:`~textory.wrappers.textures_for_scene` function it is easy to
calculate one or multiple textures with the same or different parameters for
datasets in a :class:`satpy.scene.Scene`. The function will return a new Scene
either with the textures in addition to all input datasets (default) or a Scene only with
the textures, depending on the ``append`` parameter of the function.

The ``textures`` parameter takes a dictionary where the keys are a tuple with the texture
and the parameters which to calculate and the values are a list (or list of tuples in the
case of textures which require two inputs) of the datasets to apply the texture to in the general
form of:

.. code-block:: python

    textures_dict = {("texture_name", lag, win_size, win_geom): [list of dataset names]}

The following example would calculate the variogram with lag=2, win_size=7, win_geom="square"
for the datasets with name "IR_039" and "IR_108" as well as the cross variogram with lag=1,
win_size=5, and win_geom="round" between the datasets with name "WV_062" and "IR_108" of the Scene.

.. code-block:: python

    import textory as tx

    scn = Scene(...)
    textures_dict = {("variogram", 2, 7, "square"): ["IR_039", "IR_108"],
                     ("cross_variogram", 1, 5, "round"): [("WV_062", "IR_108")]}
    scn_with_textures = tx.textures_for_scene(scn, textures=textures_dict)

Calculate textures for xarray Dataset

The :func:`~textory.wrappers.textures_for_xr_dataset` function works similarly to the
:func:`~textory.wrappers.textures_for_scene` function above but takes :class:`xarray.Dataset`
as input and also returns a :class:`xarray.Dataset`.
import textory.textures as txt

[docs]def textures_for_scene(scn, textures, append=True): """ Wrapper to calculate multiple textures for datasets in a :class:`satpy.scene.Scene`. Parameters ---------- scn : satpy.scene.Scene textures : dict Dictionary with textures bands to calulate. The accepted notation is {("texture name", lag, win_size, win_geom): [list of dataset names or tuples of dataset names]} For example: {("variogram", 2, 7, "round"), ["IR_039", "IR_103"]} append : boolean, optional If `False` returns a new :class:`satpy.scene.Scene` with all calculated textures, By default returns a new :class:`satpy.scene.Scene` with all input datasets and all calculated textures. Returns ------- `satpy.scene.Scene` """ #attributes to strip to satpy scene datasets strip_attrs = ["calibration", "standard_name", "units", "name", "wavelength"] if append: out_scn = scn.copy() else: out_scn = Scene() for tex, bands in textures.items(): for b in bands: if tex[0] == "window_statistic": tex_name, stat, win_size = tex fun = getattr(txt, tex_name) tex_res = fun(scn[b], stat=stat, win_size=win_size) else: tex_name, lag, win_size, win_geom = tex fun = getattr(txt, tex_name) if tex_name in ["cross_variogram", "pseudo_cross_variogram"]: x, y = b tex_res = fun(scn[x], scn[y], lag=lag, win_size=win_size, win_geom=win_geom) else: tex_res = fun(scn[b], lag=lag, win_size=win_size, win_geom=win_geom) for k in strip_attrs: tex_res.attrs.pop(k) out_scn[] = tex_res return out_scn
[docs]def textures_for_xr_dataset(xrds, textures, append=True): """ Wrapper to calculate multiple textures for dataarrays in a :class:`xarray.Dataset`. Parameters ---------- xrds : xarray.Dataset textures : dict Dictionary with textures bands to calulate. The accepted notation is {("texture name", lag, win_size, win_geom): [list of dataset names or tuples of dataset names]} For example: {("variogram", 2, 7, "round"), ["IR_039", "IR_103"]} append : boolean, optional If `False` returns a new :class:`xarray.Dataset` with all calculated textures, By default returns a new :class:`xarray.Dataset` with all input datasets and all calculated textures. Returns ------- xarray.Dataset Dataset """ out_ds = xrds.copy() if not append: var_names = [name for name, _ in out_ds.data_vars.items()] out_ds = out_ds.drop(var_names) for tex, bands in textures.items(): for b in bands: if tex[0] == "window_statistic": tex_name, stat, win_size = tex fun = getattr(txt, tex_name) tex_res = fun(out_ds[b], stat=stat, win_size=win_size) else: tex_name, lag, win_size, win_geom = tex fun = getattr(txt, tex_name) if tex_name in ["cross_variogram", "pseudo_cross_variogram"]: x, y = b tex_res = fun(out_ds[x], out_ds[y], lag=lag, win_size=win_size, win_geom=win_geom) else: tex_res = fun(out_ds[b], lag=lag, win_size=win_size, win_geom=win_geom) out_ds[] = tex_res return out_ds